Voluntary Quit VQ 90 – Fact Finding Guide

Conscientious Objection Based on Religious, Ethical, Moral, or Philosophical Beliefs

Ask the following questions to determine if the claimant's beliefs are sincere and genuine.

  1. Did the claimant give more than one reason for the quit?
  2. What work was required of the claimant that he or she found objectionable for conscientious reasons?
  3. Was the work directly in violation of the claimant's belief, or only peripheral to it? (e.g., Was the end result objectionable, rather than the claimant's specific job?)
  4. Did the claimant attempt to avoid the objectionable work by requesting transfer, etc.?
  5. If applicable: Does the claimant make this belief a part of his or her daily life? If not, why not?
  6. Does the claimant's search for work reflect an avoidance of work of the type he or she quit? If not, why not?
  7. In relation to the leaving of the job, when did the claimant decide that he or she had the sincerely held belief? (If after he/she left work, the reason for leaving may be a sham.)
  8. Is the belief supported by a tenet of an organized religious group? (While membership in such a group is not required, it would tend to show that the claimant's belief is genuine.)